NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in accordance with the provisions of the Land Use Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, and the provisions of the “Williamsport Zoning Ordinance,” The Board of Zoning Appeals for the Town of Williamsport, Maryland, will hold as Public Hearing on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Williamsport, Maryland at which time parties interested and citizens will have the opportunity to be heard relative to the following application:
Docket No. W-156-09/2022 #1- To hear a request for (SE) Special Exception by Port #44/Selena Wilkes, owner/applicant requesting a change to an existing non-conforming use to permit a bagel bakery and micro-brewery with small tasting room. The Property is located at 30 W. Salisbury Street, Parcel 492, Property Map 0562 Williamsport, MD and is zoned Town Residential. The Special Exception request for a non-conforming use is in accordance with Article 8, Section 804 & Article 10, Section 1006 of the Williamsport Zoning Ordinance.
Any person requiring special accommodations are requested to contact Donnie Stotelmyer at (301) 223-7711. Any person desiring a stenographic transcript shall be responsible for suppling a competent stenographer.
Board Of Zoning Appeals
Town of Williamsport, Maryland
Linda C. Kuczynski, Land Use Administrator