The canal towpath is popular with hikers, bikers and joggers. Fishing is good in the re-watered portions of the canal and also the nearby Potomac river.
Plans are underway for “Canal Boat” rides on the re-watered portion of the canal.
The C & O Canal is a National Park under the control of the Federal Park Service. The Cushwa Basin, Trolley Barn, Lock 44, Lock House, and Aqueduct located in Williamsport in close proximity to each other allow visitors to witness first hand one of the most famous channels of commerce in the United States. Visitors can visit all of these sites by taking an enjoyable walk on the towpath along the C & O Canal which looks much like it did in the 19th century during its heyday. The Cushwa Basin is also a great point of entry for hiking, biking, horseback riding, and fishing.
The National Park’s Visitor Center is located in the old Cushwa Warehouse and is open Wednesday through Sunday, 9 AM to 4:30PM (301-582-0813).
Williamsport is the only place on the canal where examples of major canal structures can be viewed within a half-mile stretch. Lock 44, a lockhouse, a re-watered section of the canal, the Cushwa turning basin and the Conococheague Aqueduct are all located in this part of the park. One of the only Bollman Iron Truss Bridges still in existence today crosses the canal at Williamsport.